I was wondering if Parallax could develop a Learn tutorial on the Gyroscope Module 3-Axis L3G4200D in Propeller C. I am primarily interested in a tutorial in which SPI is used, similar to what was published for the MMA7455 Three-Axis Accelerometer. Others might be interested in seeing a tutorial for the Gyroscope Module with the I2C interface. Would it be possible to put together a tutorial for us?
I was wondering if Parallax could develop a Learn tutorial on the Gyroscope Module 3-Axis L3G4200D in Propeller C. I am primarily interested in a tutorial in which SPI is used, similar to what was published for the MMA7455 Three-Axis Accelerometer. Others might be interested in seeing a tutorial for the Gyroscope Module with the I2C interface. Would it be possible to put together a tutorial for us?