Since a number of people are asking how to run BlocklyProp offline, I'll make a post and explain the setup. Please note that forum threads become dated (today's date is April 5, 2018). At some point we will supersede this post with more current information, like a single installer that does these little things for you. But I'll try to keep this thread current while this solution is still the only alternative.
Windows only, for now (Mac to follow) - unsupported!
You shouldn't install it unless you know how to remove it, because a future installer of the real thing isn't going to be smart enough to detect any of these files. Since this thread will be here, I don't think it's too complex of a process to undo these steps.
(a) Install SimpleIDE https://learn.parallax.com/tutorials/language/propeller-c/propeller-c-set-simpleide
(b) Download the following .zip:
(b.1.) The zip has three folders. The Learn folder replaces your SimpleIDE Learn folder.
(b.2.) Place the NWJS folder in the root of the c:\ drive (i.e. C:\nwjs)
(b.3.) Place the BP-offline folder in the root of the c:\ drive (i.e. C:\BP-offline)
(c) Open the c:\nwjs folder, right click and copy the nw.exe application, navigate to the desktop, and paste shortcut (not a copy of the app itself). Right-click and open the Properties for the shortcut you created. Set the target of the shortcut to C:\nwjs\nw.exe c:\BP-offline\ Then, click advanced, and check "Run as administrator"
(d) Rename the shortcut to something like "BlocklyProp Offline"
(e) Open C:\Users\ and look for the name or path of your user folder (Nikos, Whit, etc.)
(f) Look for the following file and open it for editing with a text editor: C:\BP-offline\cdn\localCompile.js. Search for "Parallax" in the file, and replace it with the name of your user folder.
You are now running BlocklyProp Alpha offline. We obviously have some work to do with an installer, a user interface, etc. But you can save your files locally.
Post all feedback on this thread.
Ken Gracey
Since a number of people are asking how to run BlocklyProp offline, I'll make a post and explain the setup. Please note that forum threads become dated (today's date is April 5, 2018). At some point we will supersede this post with more current information, like a single installer that does these little things for you. But I'll try to keep this thread current while this solution is still the only alternative.
Windows only, for now (Mac to follow) - unsupported!
You shouldn't install it unless you know how to remove it, because a future installer of the real thing isn't going to be smart enough to detect any of these files. Since this thread will be here, I don't think it's too complex of a process to undo these steps.
(a) Install SimpleIDE https://learn.parallax.com/tutorials/language/propeller-c/propeller-c-set-simpleide
(b) Download the following .zip:
(b.1.) The zip has three folders. The Learn folder replaces your SimpleIDE Learn folder.
(b.2.) Place the NWJS folder in the root of the c:\ drive (i.e. C:\nwjs)
(b.3.) Place the BP-offline folder in the root of the c:\ drive (i.e. C:\BP-offline)
(c) Open the c:\nwjs folder, right click and copy the nw.exe application, navigate to the desktop, and paste shortcut (not a copy of the app itself). Right-click and open the Properties for the shortcut you created. Set the target of the shortcut to C:\nwjs\nw.exe c:\BP-offline\ Then, click advanced, and check "Run as administrator"
(d) Rename the shortcut to something like "BlocklyProp Offline"
(e) Open C:\Users\ and look for the name or path of your user folder (Nikos, Whit, etc.)
(f) Look for the following file and open it for editing with a text editor: C:\BP-offline\cdn\localCompile.js. Search for "Parallax" in the file, and replace it with the name of your user folder.
You are now running BlocklyProp Alpha offline. We obviously have some work to do with an installer, a user interface, etc. But you can save your files locally.
Post all feedback on this thread.
Ken Gracey