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ActivityBot with SONY Remote

The Navigate With Infrared Flashlights tutorial for the ActivityBot was added to the rest of the ActivityBot tutorials on Friday:


Here's a sneak peek at a related project that's coming soon to learn:

...although you can just use the IR receiver connected to P10.

Copy the SONY Remote folder inside the attached zip to ...Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/
Make sure you're running the latest version of SimpleIDE (0.9.43).
Restart SimpleIDE if it's running.

Test Code
Use the New Project button to create, name and save a new project.
Paste this code, then click Run with Terminal.
Point your remote at your ActivityBot and try pressing its various buttons. Verify that the digit keys match what's displayed as you press and hold them.
  Test SONY Remote Keys.c

#include "simpletools.h"                      // Library includes
#include "sonyremote.h"

int main()                                    // Main function
  ir_tLimit(1000);                            // -1 if no remote in 1 s

  while(1)                                    // Repeat indefinitely
    print("%c ir key = %d%c",                 // Display key pressed
           HOME,       ir_key(10), CLREOL);
    pause(100);                               // 1/10 s before loop repeat

Navigation Code
Repeat the test code steps, but this time, use the Load EEPROM & Run button.
Unplug from the programming cable, and press and hold buttons to control. 2 or Channel up are forward, 8 or channel down are backward. 4 or volume down are turn left, 6 or volume up are turn right, and 1, 3, 7, and 9 are pivot keys.
  ActivityBot SONY Remote Control.c

#include "simpletools.h"                      // Library includes
#include "sonyremote.h"
#include "abdrive.h"

int key;                                      // Remote key variable

int main()                                    // Main funciton
  freqout(4, 2000, 3000);                     // Start beep
  drive_setRampStep(12);                      // 12 ticks/sec per 20 ms
  ir_tLimit(50);                              // Remote timeout = 50 ms

  while(1)                                    // Main loop
    key = ir_key(12);                         // Get remote key code

    if(key == 2 || key == CH_UP)              // 2 or CH_UP -> Forward
      drive_rampStep(128, 128);
    if(key == 8 || key == CH_DN)              // 8 or CH_DN -> Backward
      drive_rampStep(-128, -128);
    if(key == 4 || key == VOL_DN)             // 4 or VOL_DN -> Left turn
      drive_rampStep(-128, 128);
    if(key == 6 || key == VOL_UP)             // 6 or VOL_UP -> Right turn 
      drive_rampStep(128, -128);
    if(key == 1)                              // 1 -> Left forward pivot
      drive_rampStep(128, 0);
    if(key == 7)                              // 7 -> Left backward pivot
      drive_rampStep(-128, 0);
    if(key == 3)                              // 3 -> Right forward pivot
      drive_rampStep(0, 128);
    if(key == 9)                              // 9 -> Right backward pivot
      drive_rampStep(0, -128);
    if(key == -1 || key == MUTE)              // no key or MUTE -> stay still
      drive_rampStep(0, 0);

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