Hello. I have heard that you can execute code on the PAB from an SD card, but after hours of scouring the internet from general ideas to very specific ideas, I have turned up with nothing. In one of the learning tutorials, the sd data one I believe, it mentions doing this later, but I never could find it. I also found that you could take byte code and cast it to a function pointer which I attempted to do here.
Thank you.
sd_mount(DO, CLK, DI, CS); FILE* fp = fopen("run.bin", "r"); int size = 0; char c; while(fread(c, 1, 1, fp) != 0) { size++; } fclose(fp); char code[size]; fp = fopen("run.bin", "r"); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { fread(c, 1, 1, fp); code[i] = c; } fclose(fp); ((void*)code)();but failed to compile for obvious reasons. So now I ask for help from you, people of the forums. Please help me execute code from the sd card in the board.
Thank you.