SPIN In Blockly?
I have many completed projects in SPIN and often clip pieces of code for use in new projects... this saves a tremendous amount of time. I would like to be able to do this with Blockly. Is there a way...
View ArticleLCD Commands not working - ERROR: LCD is not initialized!
Hello, I decided to try out Blockly for the first time and am using the same Parallax 4x20 LCD (Back Light + sound) I've used on many other SPIN projects. Using 'Communicate-> Serial LCD', I have...
View ArticleXBee S2C compatibility
I like to know if the "XBee Blockly blocks" are compatible with series 2 XBee's. Thank you, Siri
View ArticleUnable to Transmit and receive via XBee S2C
I can transmit and receive data using spin. But I have tried many times and so far unsuccessful using Blockly. Please can someone post a simple Transmitter/receiver programs on the public blockly...
View ArticleCan't get the adc0831 blocks to work in BlocklyProp
When I compile the attached (1st png file) BlocklyProp graphical code, I get the attached (2nd png file) message from the compiler. The PropC code generated indicates the BlocklyProp cannot find the...
View Articlewireless communication Arlo
Hi, I bought a Arlo robot. It has a propeller wx activity board(#32912). I want to connect my laptop(windows 7) to the activity board over wireless. 1.Do I need any additional hardware or/and software...
View ArticleBlocklyProp projects
While I was looking for XBee projects there was reference to a XBee project# 49316 and 49317. I have been searching but I have not found where these Projects are located. If anyone knows where these...
View ArticleSending serial MODBUS command
This is most likely a simple misunderstanding of serial communications on my part. I have a RS485 relay module that will accept commands formatted in ASCII or MODBUS messages. I can use "serial...
View ArticleBlocklyProp / S3: "no devices found"
Biggest problem I have with BlocklyProp/S3 is when box at top right reads "no devices found." So students and I are dead in the water. I'm using Win 10. To solve, I didn't see anything here other than...
View ArticleBuild Your Own Mini Timer
Build Your Own Mini Timer · Timers are extremely useful in everyday life.· We use them to cook, play games, and even when teachers give tests.· This activity will show you how to build your own 1-9...
View ArticleBadgewx and SimpleIDE
I cant find any information on setting up the SimpleIDE workspace for the c files crated in blockeyprop for the badgewx is it possible to use SimpleIDE to program the badge? thanks Warner
View ArticleColor Sorter
We are trying to build a color sorter with the activity bot 360, using the BlocklyProp software. The sample code from the tutorial does not work. Yes, everything is hooked up right, corresponding to...
View ArticleHow to print a the blocks in a project
Hello, Can someone show me how to print the Blockly project("the blocks") using a color printer. I looked in help and I did not find any info. Thank you, Siri
View ArticleSplitting program?
I use the method of taking a screen shot then printing it to make hard copies of my program but they are often a lot longer than the screen shot will do. I can shrink the picture but sometimes it...
View Articlecomment block problem
Is anybody else having a problem trying to fill in the comment block in Blocklyprop? It seems I can not type anything in the block. When I click on the comment spot on the block it shows two choices,...
View ArticleProblem with the Badge WX LED's
Dear all, I am quite new to BlocklyProp and am programming the Badge WX. When I try to address LED 1 to blue, all four of the LED's are switched on bright white. I am able to address LED's 2 ,3 and 4...
View ArticleTerinal over loaded ?
I have a very simple program and it has only one Terminal block " Terminal print number (Direction- variable)mas Decimal then a new line" The program initially prints the number but after few times the...
View ArticleUnable to play wav files
I have the BlocklyProp program loaded into Activity board WX and it will not play songs. The same setup will play when I use a spin program. I tried attaching an empty If forever block - failed to play...
View ArticleWhy Program runs only when USB attached?-(Solved)
I have a program in a Propeller Proto board that only runs with USB cable attached but after it starts working I can detach the USB cable it continues to run but if I power down and re-starts it will...
View ArticleUnable to play music while the Activity Bot Roaming
The activity Bot with XBee S2C is programmed to roam and it works. I am trying to play music while roaming. I have placed the wav blocks in many places in the program and no music and most of the time...
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