Run ActivityBot C Code in the Arlo!
Hello everybody, Ken announced on Parallax insider News that the Andys Arlodrive is ready for use! Does anyone tried to run any code from ActivityBot into an Arlo robot or any other large robot with...
View ArticleBadgeWX LEDs blink?
All, I've been tinkering with my BadgeWX to prep for an upcoming conference this weekend, and while I'm pretty sure I have most of this figured out, I can't quite figure out how to make the LEDs blink...
View ArticlePropeller Activity Board + SimpleIDE + Adafruit BNO055
My computer programming class is in a little robot maze competition using the Activity bot. We purchased an Adafruit BNO055 IMU fusion sensor. It appears that the Activity Board supports I2C...
View ArticleHow to download blockly prop projects?
I have been watching blocklyprop youtube videos and they refer to project # to download. I looked all over parallax, learn, forums and was not to find the way to download. Please shine some light to...
View ArticleUsing Advanced WX
Are there any tutorials for using the Advanced WX functions in Blockly Prop? I've read through the associated Help guide but could use some more in depth help and examples. I was hoping to have a...
View ArticleUse of Rotary Encoder and RGB LED module
I need some help with this project. I have an WX Activity board/Robot and I need to write a program in Blockly Prop using the Rotary Encoder as an input and show proof that the sensor is outputting the...
View Articlehelp with BlockyProp and Sony Remote
I am trying to create a program that controls the speed of a three-light pulse that runs back and forth on a string of lights. So far, I have made the program that runs the lights. I am trying to use...
View ArticleIs it possible to output text on an i2c LCD on Activity Board?
so i have this i2c LCD with the SPI backpack on it like the PCF8574. I got it off amazon and I know that theres a tutorial for the Propeller 2 breadboard, my question is can this be programmed using...
View ArticleActivityBot 360 Propeller Activity Board WX FeedBack 360 Encoder Calibration...
During feed back test P27 ( right servo) did not light ) Switch values in program then P26 (left servo ) does not light. Check all connection per tutorial - all correct ; Using BlocklyProp ; Activity...
View ArticleTerminal Question
Does anyone have a program in BlocklyProp that asks on the terminal to type degrees between 0 and 180, then once degrees selected run a 180 degrees servo program to the position selected on the...
View ArticleParallax Feedback 360° High Speed Servo with Blocky
Hi all, This is my first time trying Blocky as I planned to teach young children programming with Blocky. I designed a simple bot with this servo. But I could not get it to work. My LED blinking is...
View ArticleBlocklyProp Solo Array problem
Can someone help me out: I'm trying the QTI line follower tutorial and trying to build the array see here:...
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