I hate to complain about either the Simple IDE version of C or BlocklyProp since I have found them both to be very useful.
But, a couple of times now, I've tried to demo BlocklyProp to some friends and was not able to run a program had written due to blocks I had used being deleted from BlocklyProp (embarrassing when the goal is to show how easy it is to use).
Likewise when I have tried sharing programs I had written using Simple Library 0945 with someone new to the Propeller and using the latest version Library, they just get errors due to the newer library no longer containing certain functions.
The latest occurrence was with the deprecating the drive_ramp functions. The new library uses an acceleration function which may be a better name for the function, but why is it necessary to remove the previous function? Couldn't a note just be added to the documentation that states the acceleration functions are preferred while retaining the older function for older programs that use it? Since the Libraries are built from individual function files if used in the specific user program, it would seem reasonable to just add the new function and any of its dependencies using new names for any changed files while keeping the old.
In my robots I've used drive_ramp a lot to minimize "jerk" which can unseat the Ping or other heavy items from the breadboard. But in the same program I will use drive_speed (0,0) for emergency stops. While the new acceleration function is automatically applied to drive_speed, it would require changing the acceleration value for normal speed changes and for e-stops where I don't want a slower response.
Unfortunately, I have to either make a lot of changes to my C programs or either figure out how to use multiple versions of the Libraries or just be incompatible with new users. With BlocklyProp I don't even have a choice since the library in use is always updated so all the deprecated blocks have to be replaced with new - which could also require modifying the program logic. Please don't get me wrong, updates are important, but please try to keep things backwards compatible.