Channel: Learn with BlocklyProp — Parallax Forums
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Just figured out how to register (Checked my Spam folder!)

I tried a few months ago and never got the email from Parallax....
Tried again today and also had no luck...

Just figured out that my email service was sending these emails to "Spam" folder!
Anyway, glad to finally get in and see how Blockly is progressing.

Robot Magazine is Gone

I spoke with Jeffery Warner this morning (editor-in-chief) and learned that Maplegate Media has closed its doors and is out of business.
There were some rumors out there a couple of days ago but this is from the horse's mouth. Too bad, I will miss them both for the RC magazines
and for Robot. I enjoyed writing for them. Good news came later as Servo Magazine accepted my next article! Whoopee! I still get to write.

Can't get the "System" blocks to show up

I've tried setting up a project with the "Other" board type, and the System section of blocks doesn't show up. I'm using a Quickstart.

I've gone through all the menus on the left. ??

Parallax WX Wi-Fi Module for Prop C

Anybody having problems with windows 10 and simple ide. The connections drops off. I have to pull the usb and research for a com port.
I am also having problems with the wifi can't get any of the zipped files to run whether wired or not on either wx board or quickstart. I am running on windows
10. It does run on windows 7 professional at my work.

change xtal freq on blockyprop

I just try blocky prop.
I want to motivate kids for programing.

I bump in to a question very fast.
My test platform has a 6Mhz X-tall, so firs try I get nothing.
When I realize this, I do not find the place to change the "_xinfreq" inside the bloke prop system.

Ends up by swap the crystal on the board to a common 5Mhz.
There must be a soft solution hidden ...


BOE-Balancer Program

I am starting this thread because once again I am going to try to do something I don't know how to do! I designed a balancing BOE-Bot (though I bet I am not the first) that is going to be programmed in Blocklyprop and use a PID.
So I will be posting a lot of questions in a quest for help with this.

RGB-LED Brightness (Solved)

Making changes to library files

Where can I find information on making changes to files that get included in blocklyprop programming?

I wanted to try to make changes to ws2812.h to run ws2811 or sk6812RGBW LED strips.

I wouldn't want to mess around with the official ws2812.h file in the library but I thought there was a way to use and test locally hosted libraries.

I have been successful making changes in ws2812.h in SimpleIDE to control these other strips but have no idea how to get it into BlocklyProp.

Mixed mode programming tutorial


My question is, do we have a good tutorial on mixed-mode programming, where one can run an LMM program and use some small and quick COGC modules for time critical parts?

Calibration issues

I have preformed the calibration on my activity bot using blockleyprop. After that when I ran the program to get the calibration results, my terminal was blank. It does not show if the calibration was successful or if there are problems. When I tried to run the project to make the bot go straight forward for 3 feet it just went backwards in a circle. What have I done wrong?

Variable names in tutorials

I just read through the pong tutorial, which is also the first Blockly tutorial that I've read. One thing that caught my attention was the use of short, non-descriptive variable names. As a software engineer, I find that to be a generally poor practice, especially when teaching others to program. The variable should be descriptive enough to understand it's usage without having to consult any other code. All programmers (myself included, occasionally) eventually get lazy and start shortening our variable names, but that should not be how you start your programming career. Teach good programming practices, then let them go off and learn bad practices on their own.

mac can't see com port

I downloaded the drivers to communicate with the activity board. I was then able to send programs to my activity bot, but after I exited the program and restarted my macbook pro with el capitan 10.11.2 I could not find the com port within SimpleIDE. I then went back to the parallax website to once again download the drivers. I was again able to communicate with the activity bot, but when I restarted my mac and then went back into SimpleIDE and tried to run a program the Hammer at the bottom right said "Building" and then "Serial Port not available, connect a USB propel" Any ideas?

Scribbling the S3 Logo

This BlocklyProp code scribbles the S3 Logo using the drive to block along with the array blocks (It is set in mm, halfed in size and ADJUSTED slightly - meaning that some of the last XY coordinates were tweaked manually to close design).

This will fit on an 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper. With the paper in a landscape orientation, set the powered S3 in the lower left quadrant with the blue reset button to the lower left. Insert the marker and press the reset button once to run. A tone plays and the S3 scribbles the S3 Logo. Ta Da! sound signals completion.

Give it try - I'd like to see how it closes on various S3's. - Report your results. This info will be included in a future S3 Learn tutorial.



Having trouble starting off with WS2812

I'm new with BlocklyProp and SimpleIDE and thought I'd start with a strip of WS2812Bs and an OLED on an Activity Board. I've done the basic "Hello World" with just SimpleIDE, then with BlocklyProp and all worked well. I then tried to light up a single WS2812B and it didn't work ... lit some colors ... not what I wanted ... sometimes didn't light up at all. I tried a string of 8 with 7 of them dark. It didn't work any better. The OLED worked fine. I've checked connections. The string of 8 had been used before with Spin. Attached is the C code.

S3 with Sony IR Remote

Ken Gracey let me (and the world) know that these were up today!

S3 robot users - something really big, low-cost and well-documented was released for you today! A bunch of infrared remote control projects with your robot http://learn.parallax.com/…/scribbler-…/ir-remote-control-s3.


Love Courtney's graphics!

Now that this info is published - Check out this monster piece of BlocklyProp Code - It is not written nearly as elegantly (simply) as it could be - but instead tries to make obvious how the code functions - works by pressing a button and releasing (stops on a button press) and ramps speeds up and down - Let me know how it works on your S3!


One more fun piece of code for use with the Sony Remote - The S3 Digital Jukebox with Sony Remote - press number to play the tune.

1. Slane - "Be Thou My Vision"
2. The Eight Tune - "O gracious Light"
3. Dona nobis pacem -"Dona nobis pacem,"
4. Seek Ye First - "Seek ye first..."

Sort of silly, but demonstrates an idea! Make it your own! I look forward to playing your tunes. If you can do this, what else might you do via remote control with your S3?


S3 BlocklyProp Sensor Observation Deck

This is an S3 BlocklyProp Sensor Observation Deck - the values refresh in a loop.

The code mimics the old GUI Observation Deck by using BlocklyProp and the Terminal. It monitors the Light Sensors, Infrared Obstacle Sensors, and Line Sensors - without the coffee mug!

See - http://blockly.parallax.com/blockly/editor/blocklyc.jsp?project=12557

Below is a screen capture of the Terminal display. The values for the Line Sensors are both 1 because the S3 is sitting on a block. Note: This code uses some blocks that are not currently in the S3 block menu.


This update uses new blocks written with BlocklyProp for "other" boards - meaning the fuller menu of BlocklyProp - The Blocks were downloaded and uploaded into a new S3 project - http://blockly.parallax.com/blockly/my/projects.jsp#12576 and http://blockly.parallax.com/blockly/editor/blocklyc.jsp?project=12576

One last note - I plan on updating this further to included every sensor in the Sensor menu for the S3 - that means adding Stall, Sony Remote, Microphone, and Button. Fun stuff.

Let me know how it works on your S3!

BlocklyProp isn't just for programming babies. . .congrats Carol Hazlett!

How about Carol Hazlett? She took first and second place at this weekend's Robothon with her BlocklyProp-programmed walkers!

Details are on our Blockly for Microcontrollers Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/blockly/


Congratulations Carol Hazlett!

Ken Gracey

BlocklyProp Client Installation

I installed the Client and everything seems to proceed fine.
I rebooted just in case it was necessary (as advised in the help).
When I start the Client from the Desktop Icon it says:
2017-10-08 12:28:03 INFO: Server starting
2017-10-08 12:28:03 INFO: Websocket configured
2017-10-08 12:28:03 INFO: Server started
I login, see project description, but can never get any further.
If I select view code, I get a window with the work area basically blank and a message (upper left corner) that says: Looking for BlocklyProp Client

I am on a Samsun Windows 8.1 tablet. I have tried disabling virus protection during a second install.
Any suggestions from anyone??????

Deprecating Library functions in Blockly & Simple Libraries

I hate to complain about either the Simple IDE version of C or BlocklyProp since I have found them both to be very useful.

But, a couple of times now, I've tried to demo BlocklyProp to some friends and was not able to run a program had written due to blocks I had used being deleted from BlocklyProp (embarrassing when the goal is to show how easy it is to use).

Likewise when I have tried sharing programs I had written using Simple Library 0945 with someone new to the Propeller and using the latest version Library, they just get errors due to the newer library no longer containing certain functions.

The latest occurrence was with the deprecating the drive_ramp functions. The new library uses an acceleration function which may be a better name for the function, but why is it necessary to remove the previous function? Couldn't a note just be added to the documentation that states the acceleration functions are preferred while retaining the older function for older programs that use it? Since the Libraries are built from individual function files if used in the specific user program, it would seem reasonable to just add the new function and any of its dependencies using new names for any changed files while keeping the old.

In my robots I've used drive_ramp a lot to minimize "jerk" which can unseat the Ping or other heavy items from the breadboard. But in the same program I will use drive_speed (0,0) for emergency stops. While the new acceleration function is automatically applied to drive_speed, it would require changing the acceleration value for normal speed changes and for e-stops where I don't want a slower response.

Unfortunately, I have to either make a lot of changes to my C programs or either figure out how to use multiple versions of the Libraries or just be incompatible with new users. With BlocklyProp I don't even have a choice since the library in use is always updated so all the deprecated blocks have to be replaced with new - which could also require modifying the program logic. Please don't get me wrong, updates are important, but please try to keep things backwards compatible.


Set tempo for "Play a" block

Is there a way to assign a beats per minute to duration values in a set of "Play a" blocks?
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