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Beta bugs

With a very simple program to initialize an array, a repeat loop for 10 times, calling a function to fill that array with the value of the repeat loop, and then using a second repeat loop to print out each of the ten values of the array. I ran this program about 25 times.

Three times it returned no output in the Terminal window. Then, around the 17th try I got the BlocklyProp message that it was unable to compile, try the Force Refresh,... Instead I saved it again and it ran once or twice but then same message.

A more complex program, also using an array and a function, and outputting to Terminal, seemed to work maybe twenty times but then it had a hard error. Looking at the C code said that the array had not been initialized. As if the array initialization statement was no longer there. The array initialization statement was active. I removed it and put a new one in. Now the C code had two error messages, each saying the array had not been initialized. Very odd.

Questions (knowing this is beta software):

1. When the Terminal returns no output, is that a problem with my Internet connection or something else ?

2. Is there a posted list of known problems with the BlocklyProp compiler and/or statements ? So maybe I could steer clear of some areas until the software gets more stable.

3. Another problem I've seen with Terminal is that even though the Terminal screen was cleared (setting the cursor to 0.0), when I print a binary number from an array, the very first space on Terminal has a zero in it, as does each subsequent line.

4. Are there future plans to have a few formatting options for the Terminal print statements so one could easily create an at least somewhat formatted output? I realize that this is not really the main purpose of having hardware do stuff..

Nevertheless, even after having to make a new project from scratch when the old one could no longer be fixed (would not compile) I still have had a lot of fun with BlocklyProp.

Thank you

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