Blockly - EMIC 2 Text_to_Speech_demo
I rewrote my C program demo of the Parallax EMIC2 text to speech board using Blockly. The C program is here: The...
View ArticleBug in SimpleIDE?
For some reason I have to constantly pull the usb and relink the propeller. If I change something in the program and attempt to launch it the comport drops off. Any ideas??
View ArticleBlocklyProp tutorial posted: RFID Scan and Store in EEPROM Introduces the simple concept of reading and writing data to the Propeller's EEPROM with Blockly, using RFID....
View ArticleS3/BlocklyProp - best quality traces
Our middle school has an offer to display S3 traces in our public library. I want the students to re-run them to be as polished as possible. We use about 60 cm square sheets of poster paper. Below is...
View Articlepropgcc LCD driver for HD44780/KS0066
Does anyone know of a driver for a HD44780/KS0066 LCD (any of the usual ) for Propeller C? I'm trying to decide if I should code my project in C or Spin. The project requires and LCD and I want to use...
View ArticleBlockly with WS2812s, ColorPal, S3, Ping))) Ultrasonic sensor (three videos)
I think the WS2812s are a pretty good demonstration of Blockly capabilities. This uses JonnyMac's driver run through Spin2CPP, then put into Blockly. A conglomeration of testing stuff to see that...
View ArticleWS2812 and BlocklyProp: two examples posted!
Light it up with WS2812s and Blockly Rainbows and Robotics...
View ArticleIssue with block "terminal receive 32 bit number store in x"
When I tried my blockly program "text_to_speech_demo" I found that the subject block had changed in operation. When I previously entered a number in...
View Articleproblem Missing blockly programs ??
When I logged into Blockly and tried to go to my project "ABOT_TVRemote" located at: I got to the project details screen, but when I...
View ArticleUsing BlocklyProp with DIY-Propeller-Boards possible?
Hi everybody, before I start fiddling around a question: Can I use my DIY-Propeller-Chip-boards with BlocklyProp? I only did a quick crossreading about BlocklyProp. As it is a graphical language. It...
View ArticleStandard Servo Command A Little Off?
I've only tested a couple of my standard parallax servos but both are showing the same inaccuracies. 0 degree command seems ok. 90 degree command is 3 degrees off (ie 93 instead of 90). 180 degree...
View ArticleBoe-Bot Maze Navigation with QTIs
Boe-Bot Maze Navigation with QTIs · Maze navigation is the heart of many robotic competitions, including the Micromouse maze and the Trinity firefighting competitions.· It is considered by most to be...
View Articlelsm9ds1 IMU get tilt along specified axis returns error: ...'__imuS'...
Howdy, Looks like the built code for this LSM9DS1 sensor includes an undeclared variable, '__imuS ' when compiling with BlocklyProp. It gives an error when trying to use the LSM9DS1 IMU's: "gets tilt...
View ArticleSimpleIDE not finding simpletext.h
I am on Linux Mint i686. I just installed SimpleIDE and I am trying to build the sample Hello World program and it is failing. Here is the error I am getting: Project Directory:...
View ArticleBeta bugs
With a very simple program to initialize an array, a repeat loop for 10 times, calling a function to fill that array with the value of the repeat loop, and then using a second repeat loop to print out...
View ArticleGetting Started with the Parallax Serial LCD
Getting Started with the Parallax Serial LCD · Especially if you've been following along with the Stamps in Class texts, you're probably familiar with what a valuable tool the Debug Terminal can be.·...
View ArticleNew Tutorials Posted for BlocklyProp - Circuit Practice!
Start here
View ArticleOLED initialization
After using the OLED initialize Block, and then looking at code, there is always an extra number in the code, so far a "2". For example: oledc_init(9, 8, 7, 6, ,5, 2); a. What is the purpose of the "2" ?
View ArticleWow!!, Blockly has grown
I looked through the "Propeller BlocklyProp Block Reference" on the Learn site today. It sure has gotten big with all of the new blocks. While there are still the simple blocks, there are also some...
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