Learning by reading
While most of us open the box and start playing befor reading instructions of operations, sometime a document is written a way, that reading first is inevitable. This one...
View Articlerc_time function has the jitters
I built an application using a joy stick and capacitor and wanted to measure how long it took to charge the capacitor. The rc_time function does that for you but I found that it wavers somewhat up and...
View Articlechar s[9];
Howdy, I was working on this exercise: http://learn.parallax.com/propeller-c-simple-circuits/seven-segment-display and at the bottom the second code example has the line "char s[9];" and I was just...
View ArticleDoes Parallax have dimensioned dwgs for the pieces for the Robotic Drawing...
Could you make them available as a pdf for those of us who don't have access to a laser cutter? Thanks Tom
View ArticleBootstrap drop down menu
Hi again. Im playing with the Bootstrap menu examples found at w3scools.com I see how to make a simple drop down menu with one generation child items but need grandchild items too, or even more...
View Articlecog_run
I am attempting to run my gps driver in a second cog. Starting small by sending the raw sentances or parsing out a single portion. The compliler gives me errors saying that it discards the volatile...
View ArticleIncrementing Long Address in Cog Memory, PASM
So, I think I've done my due diligence in looking for the answer to this. I've spent well over an hour digging through the manual and forums. I'm looking at the I2C PP PASM driver by Chris Gadd. I'm...
View ArticleElev-8 V3 Assembly Guide Videos
Hi all, I've just finished a series of 8 videos with the "Elev-8 V3 Assembly Guide" Videos are in Greek language but I'm trying to add English annotations.... ELEV-8 V3 Section 1: Assemble the Booms...
View Articlepropeller c in cogs
I have been attempting to run my gps routine through a second cog and printing from the first cog. I have a timing issue. I have tried to flag between cogs and many other methods to no avail. I have...
View ArticlePropeller Activity Board + SimpleIDE + Adafruit BNO055
My computer programming class is in a little robot maze competition using the Activity bot. We purchased an Adafruit BNO055 IMU fusion sensor. It appears that the Activity Board supports I2C...
View ArticleOn PID control
While control loops are in the focus of engineers, physicists under normal conditions don't touch this issue. So what follows may look a little strange. To start with, I wish to look for the most...
View ArticleError in Propeller C Library Studies
Sharing Values in Source Files - Functions in Multiple Files Sharing Variables - Try This http://learn.parallax.com/propeller-c-library-studies/functions-multiple-files-sharing-variables The last line...
View ArticleSimpleIDE on Raspberry Pi
I have a Pimoroni Propeller HAT and a Raspberry Pi 2 with Jessie. I have both the Propeller IDE and SimpleIDE installed and working. To get a SimpleIDE icon on the desktop I finally down loaded and...
View Articlecode question for self driving truck
hello all, I am having a hard time figuring out why i cant get a piece of code to work. any ideas would be welcomed. quick sum up. I took apart my kids rc ford f150. two dc motors control the toy....
View ArticleCurrent limiting resistor values for 7-segment display: Why 1k instead of 220?
In the new What's a Multicore Microcontroller? text there is a chapter on the 7-segment display. In earlier chapters with discrete LEDs, the current-limiting resistor was 220 ohm. For the 7-segment...
View ArticleC Language: Create single string from several different variable types
I'm trying to do what must be a common objective: save experimental data to SD in CSV format to use in Excel. But I can't find all needed code in tutorials or help examples or StackOverflow I'm getting...
View ArticleSpin under SimpleIDE: compiled or interpreted?
Hi, I've recently discovered that SimpleIDE supports the Spin language. I'm really new to that language, and I'm confused because it can be compiled (or translated to machine code) or interpreted on...
View ArticleLearn C Tutorial: SD Minimal.side - Making file available to multiple functions
The sample SD Minimal.side here opens a file to write then opens same file again to read. At time of write it creates the fp object and opens. For read it re-opens the existing fp object. Write and...
View ArticleOrder operations spin (NOOB question)
PE Kit lab book v1.2 page 91 if Cog cogStop(cog~ - 1) If ~ is on a higher level than - 1 why is - 1 evaluated first? Reference http://nagasm.org/ASL/Propeller/printedPDF/QuickReference-v15.pdf
View ArticleSpin: about pointer and structure
I'm struggling to understand address in spin. I want to define a array of structures. but my code below just output this Day: Dem Tmin: 5 TMax: 10 Condition: Conditions pluvieuses Icon: Rain.gif Day:...
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