Need help school project
Hello everybody, I am in an electronical option at school and this year we make project. My project is a game where with a laser we have to touch target and count the score. We are three to work on...
View ArticleLearning P-Basic Programming
Hello there, I am an Electrical Engineering student in need of some help. My knowledge in programing is really limited and currently I am developing a project that needs mechanical engineering,...
View ArticleMulticore program crashes or produces garbage when calculating large prime...
I am designing a program that outputs prime numbers between two given values. I already did the single core version and it worked great. However, I've expanded it to multicore and it has issues. The...
View Articlesimpleide
I got a problem with simpleide not seeing the new library that is created when using the tutorial in the learn section. I did the restart per the tutorial and attempted to test the new library. If I go...
View ArticleGet XML Attributes in SPIN
I would like to share a little code after my first journey on the SPIN road. I didn't find an xml parser for the propeller. But my need wasn't so difficult to code. I just wanted to get the attributes...
View ArticleHelp me
I am teaching 7 kids in a small STEM class, and I have purchased a parallax activity bot as our project. I am a novice. We assembled the robot, downloaded the software and ran the test with it...
View ArticleTiming
In the C language using simple IDE, how can you stopwatch the time in clock ticks between 2 pulses on a propeller input pin? An even better question is besides the Simple IDE learn file, is there a...
View ArticleThis is very basic but I am not getting it
I received my QuickStart board and am attempting to make it blink an led but am having no success. The power on light is on. Using the Propellor tool when I load an example using the F10 button (I am...
View ArticlePropeller C launching cogs for the c beginners.
This is a c program to blink seperate pins as well as send on/off data and display it on the debug screen. It displays which cogs are launched then the status of each cog. There are two ways to launch...
View ArticleNeed help telling my robot to deviate from the line following code and then...
I am extremely inexperienced with Basic Stamp, so I would just like to throw that out there before anyone decides verbally assault me for saying something that seems very stupid to you. I am building a...
View ArticleGreater resolution from VGAtext
Very simply, is there a way to change the resolution in the VGAtext files supplied with the SimpleIDE? I've been using the VGA_HiRes_Text object in Spin, but I'd really prefer to work in C, which I'm...
View ArticleSimpleIDE not finding simpletext.h
I am on Linux Mint i686. I just installed SimpleIDE and I am trying to build the sample Hello World program and it is failing. Here is the error I am getting: Project Directory:...
View Articlesimple ide terminal constants
Does anyone have a couple of examples of using the simple ide terminal constants so as to manipulate the screen.
View ArticleVGA interface starting from P15 - P22
Hi all, while soldering my own prototype board I accidentally connected the VGA pins starting at P15 which is not a multiple of 8. (Like mentioned in the drivers...) P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 | |...
View ArticleProgramming a propeller / Eeprom?
Hello everyone! Is this the standard programming procedure? Disable the propeller with the reset pin Interface with the 0 adressed Eeprom directly by connecting to the i2c bus and fill it with the new...
View ArticleSpinning in circles
Hello! I searched the forum for this question, but didn't get a match, so I apologize if this has been asked before. So I have twelve robots that have the same problem. One wheel works only part of the...
View ArticleProblem with on-line link to Simple Libraries documentation
When I try to get to the Simple Libraries on the web, I go to then scroll down to: Simple Libraries Documentation Online and click on: "Open the...
View ArticleMixed mode programming tutorial
Hello, My question is, do we have a good tutorial on mixed-mode programming, where one can run an LMM program and use some small and quick COGC modules for time critical parts?
View Articleeasiest way to truncate a number
I'm writing a PBasic program that compares to sensor readings, ( ultrasonic). I'd like to truncate the first number so that the when I compare the 2 sensors, there not so sensitive. Does this make...
View ArticleSome questions about SPIN - C interaction
Hi all, there are still some issues left I did not understand with that topic: 1. Is the compiled SPIN code (via btsc -c ...), which will be add to the binary via objcopy, bytecode or native? 2. How...
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