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BTLE Control

I'm experimenting with the Adafruit BTLE UART Friend (in Spin), but thought -- for fun -- I'd try a simple project in Blockly that corresponds to one of the demo control panels in the Adafruit...

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BlocklyProp account setup

So I finally got around to taking a look at Blockly. First thing I needed to do was set up an account. Tried screen name "PhiPi." It was taken! Had I done this before? No se. But none of my usual...

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Speed control of standard servo with BlocklyProp?

I'm trying to familiarize myself with Blockly enough that I can help a group of students with it, so I used it last night to make a quick program for the ActivityBot roaming with a PING))) on a front...

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Extending range of XBee pro

Hi, I'm looking for advice or a link, to extend the range of Xbee pro. I've heard the term "Mesh", but no explanation how it works. Background. I have a tracking solar array controlled by an Arduino...

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adding i2c

Is there any way to simply add an i2c interface to Blocklyprop? Other than writing a very long function from scratch. I'm using the Flip.

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S3/BlocklyProp Exercises based on Standards of Learning - maybe crowd source?

Is anyone else working on mapping S3/BP material to their state SOL? My teachers have said that everything they do should support a specific SOL line item.. I've been writing exercises for specific...

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S3 / BlocklyProp in Scratch Classes

I think an under-explored use of BlocklProp is for an excursion from Scratch. Scratch is common but the problem I see is that it is another hour of kids sitting in front of the screen. In my Scratch...

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OFFLINE version of BlocklyProp

The other day, Ken posted on F/B an online pool, about an "OFFLINE version of BlocklyProp"!!! Personally I found it awesome! Does anyone especially from BlocklyProp developing team has any more...

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Is there a way to import code?

Is there a way to export blocks and import them to another program?

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Can or will the OLED Initialization block be modified to include Screen...

This was somewhat touched on in an earlier post explaining why the Blockly OLED Init block only offers 5 parameters while in the code view there were 6, the 6th one being for which edge of the OLED was...

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I'm trying to write to the PST from 2 COGs in Blockly.

I found this discussion: http://forums.parallax.com/discussion/156303/sending-data-to-pst-from-2-cogs-aaaarrrgggghhhh Is there a way to do this from Blockly

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Is this the right place to request an addition to blockly?

Is this the right place to request an addition to blockly? I would like to have a control block that allows multiple lines of code to be disabled/enabled with one click. I'm currently using: [img] To...

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Must I specify SPI pins as hardwired pins numbers?

When I use a shift out operator, can I not use a variable to specify the pin number? If not, why not? I always thought that naming pin numbers is good programming practice.

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Issue with writing LCD in my function

If I initialize an LCD in my main program and try to write to it in a function, I get this Compile... Failed! -------- compiler messages -------- Included libraries: simpletools single.c: In function...

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Jeopardy Style Game control

I finally got my school division to install Blockly Prop after several months of a long battle! YEAH! So I have just started tinkering in Blockly Prop and started a student challenge to build a...

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DS1302 Clock in Blockly

Here is a pointer (I think) to a DS1302 clock in blocky. The time and date can be set using a couple of pushbutton switches. I will add daylight saving logic soon.

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How big is my BlocklyProp program?

Could some kind soul please explain to me how I determine how big my Blockly program compiles to?

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Blockly Does Trig

Here is a code snippet of an emulation of an analog clock on the little OLED. I include four photos around 9:00. It is noteworthy (at least to me) that a floating point package is included even the...

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Propeller: SPIN, C, C++, GCC. Future of Spin Tool vs. SimpleIDE?

I'm unsure of differences in languages listed. When should I use C vs C++? Why Spin over C? I've used Spin Tool and Simple IDE. Seems last few years was examples in SPin Tool and now are in Simple What...

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BlocklyProp Client Error

Hey guys, I'm trying to get blocklyprop running on my sons computer. I'm having problems with the client. When I run it I get an error "BlocklyPropClient returned -1". System Windows 7 Pro 64bit Does...

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