Just figured out how to register (Checked my Spam folder!)
I tried a few months ago and never got the email from Parallax.... Tried again today and also had no luck... Just figured out that my email service was sending these emails to "Spam" folder! Anyway,...
View ArticleRobot Magazine is Gone
I spoke with Jeffery Warner this morning (editor-in-chief) and learned that Maplegate Media has closed its doors and is out of business. There were some rumors out there a couple of days ago but this...
View ArticleCan't get the "System" blocks to show up
I've tried setting up a project with the "Other" board type, and the System section of blocks doesn't show up. I'm using a Quickstart. I've gone through all the menus on the left. ??
View ArticleParallax WX Wi-Fi Module for Prop C
Anybody having problems with windows 10 and simple ide. The connections drops off. I have to pull the usb and research for a com port. I am also having problems with the wifi can't get any of the...
View Articlechange xtal freq on blockyprop
I just try blocky prop. I want to motivate kids for programing. I bump in to a question very fast. My test platform has a 6Mhz X-tall, so firs try I get nothing. When I realize this, I do not find the...
View ArticleBOE-Balancer Program
I am starting this thread because once again I am going to try to do something I don't know how to do! I designed a balancing BOE-Bot (though I bet I am not the first) that is going to be programmed in...
View ArticleRGB-LED Brightness (Solved)
Is there a way to control the WS2812's brightness? Found it - http://learn.parallax.com/tutorials/language/blocklyprop/light-it-ws2812-leds-and-blockly
View ArticleMaking changes to library files
Where can I find information on making changes to files that get included in blocklyprop programming? I wanted to try to make changes to ws2812.h to run ws2811 or sk6812RGBW LED strips. I wouldn't want...
View ArticleMixed mode programming tutorial
Hello, My question is, do we have a good tutorial on mixed-mode programming, where one can run an LMM program and use some small and quick COGC modules for time critical parts?
View ArticleCalibration issues
I have preformed the calibration on my activity bot using blockleyprop. After that when I ran the program to get the calibration results, my terminal was blank. It does not show if the calibration was...
View ArticleVariable names in tutorials
I just read through the pong tutorial, which is also the first Blockly tutorial that I've read. One thing that caught my attention was the use of short, non-descriptive variable names. As a software...
View Articlemac can't see com port
I downloaded the drivers to communicate with the activity board. I was then able to send programs to my activity bot, but after I exited the program and restarted my macbook pro with el capitan 10.11.2...
View ArticleScribbling the S3 Logo
This BlocklyProp code scribbles the S3 Logo using the drive to block along with the array blocks (It is set in mm, halfed in size and ADJUSTED slightly - meaning that some of the last XY coordinates...
View ArticleHaving trouble starting off with WS2812
I'm new with BlocklyProp and SimpleIDE and thought I'd start with a strip of WS2812Bs and an OLED on an Activity Board. I've done the basic "Hello World" with just SimpleIDE, then with BlocklyProp and...
View ArticleS3 with Sony IR Remote
Ken Gracey let me (and the world) know that these were up today! S3 robot users - something really big, low-cost and well-documented was released for you today! A bunch of infrared remote control...
View ArticleS3 BlocklyProp Sensor Observation Deck
This is an S3 BlocklyProp Sensor Observation Deck - the values refresh in a loop. The code mimics the old GUI Observation Deck by using BlocklyProp and the Terminal. It monitors the Light Sensors,...
View ArticleBlocklyProp isn't just for programming babies. . .congrats Carol Hazlett!
How about Carol Hazlett? She took first and second place at this weekend's Robothon with her BlocklyProp-programmed walkers! Details are on our Blockly for Microcontrollers Facebook group...
View ArticleBlocklyProp Client Installation
I installed the Client and everything seems to proceed fine. I rebooted just in case it was necessary (as advised in the help). When I start the Client from the Desktop Icon it says: 2017-10-08...
View ArticleDeprecating Library functions in Blockly & Simple Libraries
I hate to complain about either the Simple IDE version of C or BlocklyProp since I have found them both to be very useful. But, a couple of times now, I've tried to demo BlocklyProp to some friends and...
View ArticleSet tempo for "Play a" block
Is there a way to assign a beats per minute to duration values in a set of "Play a" blocks?
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