mac can't see com port
I downloaded the drivers to communicate with the activity board. I was then able to send programs to my activity bot, but after I exited the program and restarted my macbook pro with el capitan 10.11.2...
View ArticlePropeller C - high() or low() changes direction, and input() function not...
Hi, I've been experimenting with SimpleIDE to toggle some pins. What I noticed is that high() or low() set the pins to outputs, which is unsafe if they were inputs and a mistake was made. Also, the...
View ArticleHelp with extending highres VGA text driver
Hi all, I tried to extend the 1024x768 / 8x12 px font graphics driver from Chip Gracey with the following changes: + use 8x16 font instead of 8x12 which results in 128x48 tiles + use full character set...
View Articlepropeller c
I am parsing a gps. When the clock hits 59 my screen jumps and sends a line of data below. Any ideas?? Thanks // print("rmc magvar %s\n\n", _rmcmagvar); print("day %d month %d year...
View ArticleA Tilt Radio Controller for Your Boe-Bot
A Tilt Radio Controller for Your Boe-Bot · When an accelerometer is mounted on the Boe-Bot® Robot, it can be programmed to seek out hilltops or valleys.· It can also be programmed to detect when the...
View ArticleData logging into 27937 using SPI, from parallax Quick Start board
Hello everyone, i am new to spin programming language. Trying to write data into memory stick datalogger 27937 using SPI protocol. Not sure whether my code is absolutely wrong or if there is just...
View ArticleAre there going to be any more updates to the the LEARN library?
I noticed that the last update to Learn library is about a year and a half old, wondering if support is continuing or has P2 development stopped further Learn support.
View ArticleBoard of Education Hardware Limitations
I am building the Boe-Bot with the Board of Education USB version and am building an increasingly more complex Boe-Bot with more and more sensors. I am working through the chapters in the book, but it...
View ArticleAgain on prime numbers: program slower without semaphores?
Hello all! I've decided to take away all the semaphores from the prime calculation program I've posted here a way back. This was only because of curiosity, because I was obvioulsy doing something wrong...
View ArticleA little C Help needed.
I really wish SimpleIDE had support for the ESP 8266 module. Any how, I have this code that works great for one Servo but I am having issues getting 2 or more to go. Can someone look at this code and...
View ArticleQuestion about speed of code generated with PropellorIDE
I have been fiddling with MAX7219 recently. I found I could not write a string of 8x8 modules quickly enough in spin and had to go to PASM to get decent looking text scrolling. In large part it comes...
View ArticlePropeller loader
I need an "official" (as in Parallax supported) tool to load xxxx.eeprom (precompiled xxxx.spin files) to the prop. My trusty Google search pointed me at:...
View ArticleELEV-8-v3 Radio-Configuration of a Futuba 10J + R3008SB Receiver
Hello, i am new in the Elev-8 scene. i have some questions about: Configure the Radio... i have a Futuba 10 j - Radio Mode 2: gas/Throttle left stick vertical, channel 3 - Box Model Typ : Acro my...
View ArticleProblem with MMA7455 Accelerometer and SimpleIDE Terminal
Hello, I am using the MMA7455 3-Axis Accelerometer module ( on a Propeller Activity Board. I followed the SPI Example...
View Article#28044 laser-range-finder: some serial-spin-code into c-code
hello, i have some problems to convert spin-code into c-code for the simpleIDE. -1) spin-code: pst.Str(String("Waiting for LRF module...")) waitcnt(clkfreq << 1 + cnt) ' Delay for 2 seconds to...
View Article#28044 laserRangeFinder: problems with SC-C: convert lrfBaseTest_1.spin to...
hello i have problems convert lrfBaseTest_1.spin to lrfBaseTest_1.c on the c-source : program cant read the distance-values. troubles with the serial-stuff as attachments (spin + my bad...
View Articlepropeller c clock speed
I bought a propeller education kit some time ago. this was when spin was all there was. I had so many projects that years have passed and I never did master spin. I just bought a activity bot and am...
View ArticlePropeller C Manual?
I'm fairly proficient at SPIN, trying to teach myself PropC. Is there a manual of some kind explaining usage of PropC code? I cant find anything and am trying to rely on start simple examples which...
View ArticlePING))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - Windows 10 Core IoT
Hi, I m really new to Windows 10 IoT. I wonder if there is someone who has been able to manage the Parallax-Ping using C#. I m a bit lost and most of the examples I've seen use anoter type of sensor.....
View ArticleBlocklyProp ActivityBoardWX - Example of starting new cog?
I searched public programs with "new cog" and could not find an example, based on titles. Among blocks I did not see anything promising. Could someone post a simple example of spinning up a few cogs...
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